Michael Keeling

Michael Keeling is a software engineer living in Pittsburgh, PA. His goal is to cooperatively build strong, design-focused teams who ship awesome software. In his free time, you can find him running, gaming, cooking, and writing.


Making Metaphors that Matter
Extreme Programming's system metaphor can be an effective design tool, if you follow a few simple guidelines for creating good metaphors.
Nudging Toward Change in your Organization with Process Affordances
Software engineers can use what they know about software design to apply the theory or affordances to improve team processes.
The Psychology of Architecture Decision Records
Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) are more than just documentation; they are also a powerful tool for transforming a team's culture.

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ADRs, Agile, Agile Conference, Architectural styles, Architecture patterns, Artifacts, Black Knight Stories, Buzzhoney Stories, CMU MSE Stories, Design, Ensemble Programming, Experience Report, Extreme Programming (XP), IBM Stories, IEEE Software, Kiavi Stories, Microservices, Mob Programming, Pair Programming, Patterns, Pragmatic Designer Column, Process Improvement, Refactoring, Software Architecture, System Metaphor, Team communication, Team Culture, Theory of Affordances, Whole Team Design, XP Conference